San Diego, California, November 2018
Presented Research
Full Paper Submissions from the 62nd Conference
Human Shoulder Response to Lateral Impact in Intermediate Loading Conditions Between High-Velocity, Short-Duration and Low-Velocity, Long-Duration Authors: Matthieu Lebarbé, Pascal Potier, Jérôme Uriot, and Pascal Baudrit—CEESAR (Nanterre, France); Denis Lafont—DGA TT (Bourges, France); Richard Douard—Université Paris…
A Reanalysis of Experimental Brain Strain Data: Implication for Finite Element Head Model Validation Authors: Zhou Zhou, Xiaogai Li, and Svein Kleiven—Neuronic Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology; Chirag S. Shah—Humanetics Innovative Solutions, Inc.;…
Injury Risk Curves for the Human Cervical Spine from Inferior-to-Superior Loading Authors: Narayan Yoganandan—Center for NeuroTrauma Research, Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin; Sajal Chirvi—Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of…
Quantification of Skeletal and Soft Tissue Contributions to Thoracic Response in a Dynamic Frontal Loading Scenario Authors: Michelle M. Murach, Yun-Seok Kang, John H. Bolte, David Stark, Rakshit Ramachandra, and Amanda M. Agnew—Injury Biomechanics Research Center,…
Sources of Variability in Structural Bending Response of Pediatric and Adult Human Ribs in Dynamic Frontal Impacts Authors: Amanda M. Agnew, Michelle M. Murach, Victoria M. Dominguez, Akshara Sreedhar, Elina Misicka, Angela Harden, and John H. Bolte—Injury…
Reference PMHS Sled Tests to Assess Submarining of the Small Female Authors: Xavier Trosseille and Philippe Petit—LAB PSA Peugeot-Citroën Renault; Jérôme Uriot, Pascal Potier, and Pascal Baudrit—CEESAR; Olivier Richard—Faurecia Automotive Seating;…
The Effects of Inboard Shoulder Belt and Lap Belt Loadings on Chest Deflection Authors: Koji Mizuno and Ryoichi Yoshida—Nagoya University; Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiko Tanaka and Ryota Ishigaki—Autoliv Japan; Naruyuki Hosokawa and Yoshinori Tanaka—National…
Assessment of Thoracic Response and Injury Risk Using the Hybrid III, THOR-M, and Post-Mortem Human Surrogates under Various Restraint Conditions in Full-Scale Frontal Sled Tests Authors: Devon L Albert, Stephanie M Beeman, and Andrew R Kemper—Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics, Virginia Tech Abstract A…
Analysis of the Frequency and Mechanism of Injury to Warfighters in the Under-body Blast Environment Authors: Kerry Danelson, Laura Watkins, Jonathon Hendricks—Wake Forest Department of Orthopaedic Surgery; Patricia Frounfelker—WIAMan Case Review Team; Karen Pizzolato-Heine, Ray…
Modelling of an Adjustable Generic Simplified Vehicle for Pedestrian Impact and Simulations of Corresponding Reference PMHS Tests Using the GHBMC 50th Percentile Male Pedestrian Simplified Model Authors: Eric Song and Phillipe Petit — LAB PSA Renault; Jérome Uriot — CEESAR Abstract In a previous study (Song…
Validation of a Finite Element 50th Percentile THOR Anthropomorphic Test Device in Multiple Sled Test Configurations Authors: Kyle P. McNamara, Derek A. Jones, James P. Gaewsky, Ashley A. Weaver and Joel D. Stizel—Wake Forest School of…
Front Airbag Deployment Rates in Real-World Car Accidents in Japan and Implications for Activation of Accident Emergency Calling System Authors: Yasuhiro Matsui—National Traffic Safety Environment Laboratory, Japan; Shoko Oikawa—Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan Abstract Accident emergency calling systems (AECSs) are…
Relation Between Sacroilium and Other Pelvic Fractures Based on Real-World Automotive Accidents Authors: Phillipe Petit and Xavier Trousseille—LAB PSA Peugeot Citroën Renault; Sophie Curry, Matthieu Lebarbé, and Pascal Baudrit—CEESAR; Sabine Compigne—Toyota Motor…
Side Impact Assessment and Comparison of Appropriate Size and Age Equivalent Porcine Surrogates to Scaled Human Side Impact Response Biofidelity Corridors Authors: Jennifer L. Yaek, Christopher J. Andrecovich, and John M. Cavanaugh—Wayne State University; Stephen W. Rouhana—Vehicle Safety Sciences, LLC Abstract…
All publications listed above will be made available for purchase in the 62nd Stapp Car Crash Journal. For additional information on publication dates and/or purchase, please visit Stapp Car Crash Journal Publications.
Short Communications from the 62nd Conference
Warrior Injury Assessment Manikin Oblique Vertical Testing Authors: Hollie A. Pietsch and David R. Weyland—US Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) Abstract The Warrior…
High-Speed Biplane X-Ray Head Impact Experiments in the Göttingen Minipig Authors: Elizabeth McNeil, Amy Hermundstad, Pamela VandeVord, and Warren Hardy—Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics, Virginia Tech Abstract Traumatic brain…
Development of Multiple Crash Events to Understand Occupant Behavior and Injury Based on Real-World Accidents Authors: Seok Ho Hong, Sung Soo Kim, Hyung Wook Park, Sung Hun Chang, and Jang Mook Lim—Hyundai-Motor Company; Brian William…
Human Surrogate Finite Element Models Under Multi-Directional Loading: Applications of Aerospace Data for the Future of Automotive Environments Authors: James P. Gaewsky, Derek A. Jones, Xin Ye, Bharath Koya, Kyle P. McNamara, Mona Z. Saffarzadeh, F. Scott Gayzik,…
Comparative Responses of the PIPER 6YO Human Body Model and the Q6 ATD for Simulated Frontal and Lateral Impacts Authors: Shreyas Sarfare, Jalaj Maheshwari, and Aditya Belwadi—Center for Injury Research and Prevention, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Nhat Duong—Center…
Using Human Body Models to Assess Knee Ligament Injury in Knee Hypertension Authors: Chin-Hsu Lin—General Motors Global Research & Development; Mitchell Hortin and Annette Irwin—General Motors Global Safety Center Abstract Shared autonomous…
Effect of Contact Separation on the Abdominal Response to Impact of a Human Body Model Authors: Philippe Beillas—Univ. Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, IFSTTAR, UMR_T9406, LBMC, F69622; Fabien Berthet—Transpolis SAS, Lyon Saint-Exupéry Aéroport Abstract…
Next Steps for the IIHS Side Crashworthiness Evaluation Program Authors: Raul A. Arbelaez, Becky C. Mueller, Matthew L. Brumbelow, and Eric R. Teoh—Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Abstract…
John Paul Stapp Best Paper Award
“Strain-Rate Dependency of Axonal Tolerance for Uniaxial Stretching” was submitted to the 61st Stapp Car Crash Conference, held in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2017, and awarded the John Paul Stapp Best Paper Award at the 62nd conference, held in San Diego, California, in 2018.
Authors include Hiromichi Nakadate, Evrim Kurtoglu, Hidenori Furukawa, Shoko Oikawa and Shigeru Aomura from Tokyo Metropolitan University, Graduate School of System Design; Akira Kakuta, National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College; and Yasuhiro Matsui, National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory.
John W. Melvin Student Award
First Place: Awarded to Devon L. Albert for “Assessment of Thoracic Response and Injury Risk Using the Hybrid III, THOR-M, and Post-Mortem Human Surrogates under Various Restraint Conditions in Full-Scale Frontal Sled.” Additional authors include Stephanie M. Beeman and Andrew R. Kemp from the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics, Virginia Tech.
Second Place: Awarded to Michelle M. Murach for “Quantification of Skeletal and Soft Tissue Contributions to Thoracic Response in a Dynamic Frontal Loading Scenario.” Additional authors include Yun-Seok Kang, John H. Bolte IV, David Stark, Rakshit Ramachandra, Amanda M. Agnew, Kevin Moorhouse and Jason Stammen from Injury Biomechanics Research Center at The Ohio State University.
Third Place: Awarded to Jennifer L. Yaek for “Side Impact Assessment and Comparison of Appropriate Size and Age Equivalent Porcine Surrogates to Scaled Human Side Impact Biofidelity Corridors. Additional authors include Christopher J. Andrecovich, John M. Cavanaugh, and Stephen W. Rouhana from Wayne State University.
Keynote Address
The Keynote Address for the 62nd Stapp Car Crash Conference was titled, “Safety in the Coming Decades: Are We Poised to Achieve Total Safety in an Autonomous Vehicle Environment?” It was presented by Joseph Kanianthra, Ph.D. (Mech. Eng.), President, Active Safety Engineering LLC Former Associate Administrator (Retd.), Vehicle Safety Research, NHTSA, US DOT
Panel Discussion
Warren N. Hardy, Director of the Center for Injury Biomechanics at Virginia Tech served as moderator for the panel discussion at the 62nd Stapp Car Crash Conference titled, “Driver Assistance and Fully Autonomous Systems: Their Implications on Safety.”
Panelists for the discussion included Joseph Kanianthra, President, Active Safety Engineering LLC Former Associate Administrator (Retd.), Vehicle Safety Research, NHTSA, US DOT; Raul A. Arbelaez, Vice President, Vehicle Research Center, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety; Shaun Kildare, Director of Research, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety; Yuichi Kitagawa, Chief Professional Engineer, Toyota Motor Corporation; Kevin Moorhouse, Chief, Applied Biomechanics Division, Vehicle Research and Test Center, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; Philippe Petit, Manager of the Biomechanics Team, LAB PSA Renault; Amanda Prescott, Head of Homologation, Zoox, Inc.; Doug Stein, Global Test Director, Autoliv ASP, Inc.; and Jerry Wang, Chief Engineer, Humanetics Innovative Solutions.
- Thorax and Abdomen Response and Injury in Frontal Impacts – Part 1—Co Chairs: Stephen W. Rouhana, Vehicle Safety Sciences, LLC and Philippe Beillas, Université de Lyon; IFSTTAR, LBMC; Université Lyon 1, France
- Thorax and Abdomen Response and Injury in Frontal Impacts – Part 2—Co Chairs: Stephen W. Rouhana, Vehicle Safety Sciences, LLC and Philippe Beillas, Université de Lyon; IFSTTAR, LBMC; Université Lyon 1, France
- Cervical Spine and Head/Brain Response and Injury—Co Chairs: Priya Prasad, Prasad Engineering LLC and Frank A. Pintar, Medical College of Wisconsin
- Biomechanical Response and Testing in Side Impacts—Co Chairs: Annette L. Irwin, General Motors LLC and John M. Cavanaugh, Wayne State University
- Findings from Real-World Crashes—Co Chairs: Dainius J. Dalmotas, Dalmotas Consulting LLC and Kristy B. Arbogast, Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia
- Automated Driving Systems (Ads): Safety Considerations for Today and Tomorrow—Panel Moderator: Warren N. Hardy, Virginia Tech, Center for Injury Biomechanics
- Development and Validation of ATDs and Finite Element Models—Co Chairs: Saeed Barbat, Ford Motor Company and Xavier Trosseille, LAB PSA Peugeot-Citroën Renault