Authors: Philippe Beillas—Univ. Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, IFSTTAR, UMR_T9406, LBMC, F69622; Fabien Berthet—Transpolis SAS, Lyon Saint-Exupéry Aéroport
In the GHBMC Detailed Human Body Models, sliding anatomical relationships between abdominal organs are modelled using sliding surface-to-surface contacts. As such contacts may open (i.e. separate) unrealistically in tension, their in situ behavior was analyzed in various setups. Surface separation was observed in abdominal and thoracic areas. It was most prominent in tension on the non-struck side of side impact sleds. Surface-to-surface distances also decreased significantly in compression. Adding tiebreak sliding contacts prevented separation and helped maintain these distances throughout the simulation. Resulting changes on the external response and liver strain energy density were limited but there was some improvement of the internal liver kinematics. Overall, such contact may help improve the realism of Human Body Models internal response.
Pages: 2
Event: 62nd Stapp Car Crash Conference
Type: Short Communication