Preparations are underway for the 69th Stapp Car Crash Conference, which will be held November 4–6, 2025, at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.
NHTSA Biomechanics Workshop
The NHTSA Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research seeks to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and the presentation of ongoing research investigations using human volunteers or surrogates. This year’s workshop will be held on the Monday directly preceding the Stapp Car Crash Conference.
Check back soon for additional information regarding this critical event.
Call for Papers
The Stapp Association is now accepting manuscripts for presentation at the 69th Stapp Car Crash Conference. Papers accepted prior to the conference will be made available through SAE as eFirst Articles prior to presentation at the conference and publication in the Stapp Car Crash Journal.
Call for Short Communications
The Stapp Association will soon begin accepting short communications for presentation at the 69th Stapp Car Crash Conference. Learn more about submission requirements on the Short Communications page.