Short Communications are perfect for quickly reporting novel and important research findings, methodologies, or technologies. These concise reports are not considered terminal publications and can later be expanded into full-length papers and submitted to the Stapp Car Crash Journal for publication. Accepted communications are presented at the Stapp Car Crash Conference for the year corresponding to the submission date. Submission requirements, recently accepted submissions and submissions from previous years can be found below.
Submit a Short Communication
Short Communications are accepted in the months preceding the Stapp Car Crash Conference. Requirements for these submissions and information regarding the review process can be found on the Author Resources page.
Short Communications by Conference
Short Communications accepted by the Stapp Car Crash Conference are presented at the conference corresponding to the year of the submission.
68th Conference (2024)
67th Conference (2023)
63rd Conference (2019)
62nd Conference (2018)
61st Conference (2017)
Short Communications Feed
View recent short communications accepted by the Stapp Car Crash Conference.
- A Study of Submarining Occurrence Factors in Reclined Sitting PostureAuthors: Garam Jeong, Dohyung Kim, Kyungwon Seo and Seokhoon Ko—Hyundai Mobis Abstract A series of crash simulations and SLED tests…
- Pelvis/Sacrum Fracture Tolerance for Males and Females under High-Rate LoadingAuthors: David M. Boyle, Warren N. Hardy—Virginia Tech, Center for Injury Biomechanics; Kerry A. Danelson—Wake Forest, Center for Injury Biomechanics…
- An Exploration of Military Armored Vehicle Blast Event Timing for the Inclusion of Active and Passive Safety SystemsAuthors: Tania Holmes—Defence Science and Technology Group, Platforms Division, Vehicle Survivability/RMIT University, School of Engineering; Paul Phillips, Kyle Cooper—Defence Science…
- Comparison of Hybrid III, THOR, and PMHS Forward Excursions in the Rear Seat during Frontal Sled TestsAuthors: Devon L. Albert, Samuel T. Bianco, Allison J. Guettler, David M. Boyle, Andrew R. Kemper, Warren N. Hardy—Virginia Tech,…
- Developing Finite Element Head Models using Advanced Blocking Techniques: Density-Changeable High-Quality All-Hexahedral Meshes and Fit for Individual Brain Component MorphingAuthors: Sakib Ul Islam, Kewei Bian, and Haojie Mao—Western University Abstract Detailed all-hexahedral solid head models were developed using an…
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