Charleston, South Carolina, November 2017
Presented Research
Full Paper Submission from the 61st Conference
Application of Extreme Value Theory to Crash Data Analysis Authors: Lan Xu and Guy Nusholtz—FCA US LLC, USA Abstract A parametric model obtained by fitting a set of data…
Optimal Specifications for the Advanced Pedestrian Legform Impactor Authors: Takahiro Isshiki, Jacobo Antona-Makoshi, and Atsuhiro Konosu—Japan Automobile Research Institute; Yukou Takahashi—Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Abstract This study addresses…
Association of Impact Velocity with Serious-Injury and Fatality Risks to Cyclists in Commercial Truck-Cyclist Accidents Authors: Yasuhiro Matsui—National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, Japan; Shoko Oikawa—Tokyo Metropolitan University; Kazuhiro Sorimachi, Akira Imanishi, and Takeshi Fujimura—Isuzu…
New Reference PMHS Tests to Assess Whole-Body Pedestrian Impact Using a Simplified Generic Vehicle Front-End Authors: Eric Song, Philippe Petit, and Xavier Trosseille—LAB PSA Renault; Jérôme Uriot, Pascal Potier, and Denis Dubois—CEESAR; Richard Douard—Université Paris…
Analysis of Repeatability and Reproducibility Standards of ATD Response for the Correlation Method Authors: Lan Xu and Guy Nusholtz—FCA US LLC, USA Abstract Statistical methods, using the entire time-history, can be used to…
Biofidelity Evaluation of the THOR and Hybrid III 50th Percentile Male Frontal Impact Anthropomorphic Test Devices Authors: Daniel Parent, Matthew Craig, Kevin Moorhouse—National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Abstract The objective of this study is to present…
Neck Injury Response in High Vertical Accelerations and its Algorithmical Formalization to Mitigate Neck Injuries Authors: Julie Klima, Jian Kang, AnnMarie Meldrum, Steven Pankiewicz—Tank Automotive Research, Development, and Engineering Center Abstract Tank Automotive Research, Development…
Occupant Kinematics in Simulated Autonomous Driving Vehicle Collisions: Influence of Seating Position, Direction and Angle Authors: Yuichi Kitagawa, Shigeki Hayashi, Katsunori Yamada, Mitsuaki Gotoh—Toyota Motor Corporation Abstract This two-part study analyzed occupant kinematics in simulated…
Development of the CAVEMAN Human Body Model: Validation of Lower Extremity Sub-Injurious Response to Vertical Accelerative Loading Authors: Kent Butz, Chad Spurlock, Rajarshi Roy, Cameron Bell, Paul Barrett, Aaron Ward, Xudong Xiao, Allen Shirley, Colin Welch, Kevin…
Human Foot-Ankle Injuries and Associated Risk Curves from Under Body Blast Loading Conditions Authors: Sajal Chirvi, Narayan Yoganandan, Mike Schlick, William Curry—Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin/VA Medical Center; Frank Pintar—Department of…
Optimizing Seat Belt and Airbag Designs for Rear Seat Occupant Protection in Frontal Crashes Authors: Jingwen Hu and Matthew P. Reed—University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute; Jonathan D. Rupp—Emory University School of Medicine; Kurt…
Strain-rate Dependency of Axonal Tolerance for Uniaxial Stretching Authors: Hiromichi Nakadate, Evrim Kurtoglu, Hidenori Furukawa, Shoko Oikawa, and Shigeru Aomura—Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University; Akira…
Human Shoulder Response to High Velocity Lateral Impact Authors: Matthieu Lebarbé—CEESAR, Nanterre, France; Philippe Vezin—Univ Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, IFSTTAR, LBMC UMR_T9406, F69622, Lyon, France; Frédéric…
Biomechanics of Lumbar Motion-Segments in Dynamic Compression Authors: Mike W. J. Arun, Prasannaah Hadagali, Klaus Driesslein, William Curry, Narayan Yoganandan, and Frank A. Pintar—Department of Neurosurgery, Medical…
All publications listed above will be made available for purchase in the 61st Stapp Car Crash Journal. For additional information on publication dates and/or purchase, please visit Stapp Car Crash Journal Publications.
Short Communications from the 61st Conference
Application of Extreme Value Theory to Crash Data Analysis Authors: Lan Xu and Guy Nusholtz—FCA US LLC, USA Abstract A parametric model obtained by fitting a set of data…
Optimal Specifications for the Advanced Pedestrian Legform Impactor Authors: Takahiro Isshiki, Jacobo Antona-Makoshi, and Atsuhiro Konosu—Japan Automobile Research Institute; Yukou Takahashi—Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Abstract This study addresses…
Association of Impact Velocity with Serious-Injury and Fatality Risks to Cyclists in Commercial Truck-Cyclist Accidents Authors: Yasuhiro Matsui—National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, Japan; Shoko Oikawa—Tokyo Metropolitan University; Kazuhiro Sorimachi, Akira Imanishi, and Takeshi Fujimura—Isuzu…
New Reference PMHS Tests to Assess Whole-Body Pedestrian Impact Using a Simplified Generic Vehicle Front-End Authors: Eric Song, Philippe Petit, and Xavier Trosseille—LAB PSA Renault; Jérôme Uriot, Pascal Potier, and Denis Dubois—CEESAR; Richard Douard—Université Paris…
Analysis of Repeatability and Reproducibility Standards of ATD Response for the Correlation Method Authors: Lan Xu and Guy Nusholtz—FCA US LLC, USA Abstract Statistical methods, using the entire time-history, can be used to…
Biofidelity Evaluation of the THOR and Hybrid III 50th Percentile Male Frontal Impact Anthropomorphic Test Devices Authors: Daniel Parent, Matthew Craig, Kevin Moorhouse—National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Abstract The objective of this study is to present…
Neck Injury Response in High Vertical Accelerations and its Algorithmical Formalization to Mitigate Neck Injuries Authors: Julie Klima, Jian Kang, AnnMarie Meldrum, Steven Pankiewicz—Tank Automotive Research, Development, and Engineering Center Abstract Tank Automotive Research, Development…
Occupant Kinematics in Simulated Autonomous Driving Vehicle Collisions: Influence of Seating Position, Direction and Angle Authors: Yuichi Kitagawa, Shigeki Hayashi, Katsunori Yamada, Mitsuaki Gotoh—Toyota Motor Corporation Abstract This two-part study analyzed occupant kinematics in simulated…
Development of the CAVEMAN Human Body Model: Validation of Lower Extremity Sub-Injurious Response to Vertical Accelerative Loading Authors: Kent Butz, Chad Spurlock, Rajarshi Roy, Cameron Bell, Paul Barrett, Aaron Ward, Xudong Xiao, Allen Shirley, Colin Welch, Kevin…
Human Foot-Ankle Injuries and Associated Risk Curves from Under Body Blast Loading Conditions Authors: Sajal Chirvi, Narayan Yoganandan, Mike Schlick, William Curry—Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin/VA Medical Center; Frank Pintar—Department of…
Optimizing Seat Belt and Airbag Designs for Rear Seat Occupant Protection in Frontal Crashes Authors: Jingwen Hu and Matthew P. Reed—University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute; Jonathan D. Rupp—Emory University School of Medicine; Kurt…
Strain-rate Dependency of Axonal Tolerance for Uniaxial Stretching Authors: Hiromichi Nakadate, Evrim Kurtoglu, Hidenori Furukawa, Shoko Oikawa, and Shigeru Aomura—Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University; Akira…
Human Shoulder Response to High Velocity Lateral Impact Authors: Matthieu Lebarbé—CEESAR, Nanterre, France; Philippe Vezin—Univ Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, IFSTTAR, LBMC UMR_T9406, F69622, Lyon, France; Frédéric…
Biomechanics of Lumbar Motion-Segments in Dynamic Compression Authors: Mike W. J. Arun, Prasannaah Hadagali, Klaus Driesslein, William Curry, Narayan Yoganandan, and Frank A. Pintar—Department of Neurosurgery, Medical…
The John Paul Stapp Best Paper Award
“Effect of Abdominal Loading Location on Liver Motion: Experimental Assessment Using Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging and Simulation with a Human Body Model” was submitted to the 60th Stapp Car Crash Conference, held in Washington D.C. in 2016 and awarded the John Paul Stapp Best Paper Award at the 61st conference, held in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2017.
Authors include Anicet Le Ruyet, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, IFSTTAR, UMR_T9406, LBMC, Lyon,
France; Fabien Berthet, Transpolis SAS, Lyon Saint-Exupéry Aéroport, France; Frédéric Rongiéras,
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, IFSTTAR, UMR_T9406, LBMC, Lyon, France/Service Chirurgie
Orthopédique et Traumatologie—Hôpital Desgenettes, Lyon, France; Philippe Beillas, Université Claude
Bernard Lyon 1, IFSTTAR, UMR_T9406, LBMC, Lyon, France.
- Biomechanics of the Spine, Abdomen, and Shoulder—Co Chairs: John H. Bolte IV, The Ohio State University and John M. Cavanaugh, Wayne State University
- Brain and Neuron Response and Injury—Co Chairs: Warren N. Hardy, Virginia Tech Center for Injury Biomechanics and King H. Yang, Wayne State University
- Special Session: Chest Injury and Injury Criteria (Oral Only)—Co Chairs: Frank A. Pintar, Medical College of Wisconsin and Guy S. Nusholtz, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US LLC USA
- Effects of Occupant Kinematics and Seating Position on Injury Risk—Co Chairs: Saeed Barbat, Ford Motor Company and Jonathan D. Rupp, Emory University School of Medicine
- Human Response and Modeling to High-Speed Vertical Loading—Co Chairs: Saeed Barbat, Ford Motor Company and Jonathan D. Rupp, Emory University School of Medicine
- ATDs, Human Body Model and Crash Data Analysis Methodologies—Co Chairs: Annette L. Irwin, General Motors Company and Xavier Trosseille, LAB PSA Peugeot-Citroën Renault
- Biomechanics of Pedestrian and Cyclist Injuries—Co Chairs: Philippe Beillas, Université de Lyon; IFSTTAR, LBMC; Université Lyon 1, France and Priya Prasad, Prasad Engineering, LLC