Takahiro Isshiki, Jacobo Antona-Makoshi, and Atsuhiro Konosu—Japan Automobile Research Institute
Yukou Takahashi—Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association
This study addresses the virtual optimization of the technical specifications for a recently developed Advanced Pedestrian Legform Impactor (aPLI). The aPLI incorporates a number of enhancements for improved lower limb injury predictability with respect to its predecessor, the FlexPLI. It also incorporates an attached Simplified Upper Body Part (SUBP) that enables the impactor’s applicability to evaluate pedestrian’s lower limb injury risk also with high-bumper cars. The response surface methodology was applied to optimize both the aPLI’s lower limb and SUBP specifications, while imposing a total mass upper limit of 25 kg that complies with international standards for maximum weight lifting allowed for a single operator in the laboratory setting. All parameters were virtually optimized considering variable interaction, which proved critical to avoid misleading specifications. The results from this study can be used to construct physical aPLIs that are expected to be used in future car-to-pedestrian crash safety testing programs worldwide.
Isshiki T, Antona-Makoshi J, Konosu A, Takahashi Y. Optimal Specifications for the Advanced Pedestrian Legform Impactor. Stapp Car Crash J. 2018 Nov;61:373-395. doi: 10.4271/2017-22-0014.
Pages: 17
Event: 61st Stapp Car Crash Conference