Discover the latest advancements in impact biomechanics and crash injury protection with the Stapp Car Crash Journal, Volume 66. This edition features technical papers submitted to the Stapp Car Crash Journal in 2022 and presented at the 2022 Stapp Car Crash Conference. The Stapp Car Crash Conference is the premier forum for the presentation of research in impact biomechanics, human injury tolerance, and related fields, advancing the knowledge of land-vehicle crash injury protection.

In This Issue
Topics discussed in this issue include:
- Automobile accidents and crash scenarios
- Injury biomechanics and occupant kinematics
- Finite element models and human body models
- Head injury metrics
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Articles from Volume 66
- A Comparison of the Mid-Size Male THOR and Hybrid III ATDs in Vehicle Frontal Crash TestsAuthors: Chris O’Connor, Agnes Kim, and Tim Barrette—Ford Motor Company; Jeff Dix—Nissan North America Abstract In order to evaluate the THOR-50M as a front impact Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD) for vehicle safety design, the ATD was compared to the H3-50M in matching vehicle crash tests for 20 unique vehicle models…
- Driving Behavior during Right-Turn Maneuvers at Intersections on Left-Hand Traffic RoadsAuthors: Yasuhiro Matsui and Naruyuki Hosokawa—National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, Japan; Shoko Oikawa—Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan Abstract In Japan, where vehicles drive on the left side of the road, pedestrian fatal accidents caused by vehicles traveling at speeds of less than or equal to 20 km/h, occur most frequently…
- Effect of Tissue Erosion Modeling Techniques on Pedestrian Impact KinematicsAuthors: Daniel Grindle and Costin Untaroiu—Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics (BEAM), Center for Injury Biomechanics, Virginia Tech Abstract The pedestrian is one of the most vulnerable road users and has experienced increased numbers of injuries and deaths caused by car-to-pedestrian collisions over the last decade. To curb this trend,…
- Investigation of Potential Injury Patterns and Occupant Kinematics in Frontal Impact with PMHS in Reclined PosturesAuthors: Pascal Baudrit and Jérôme Uriot—CEESAR (Nanterre – France); Olivier Richard and Matthieu Debray—Faurecia Automotive Seating (France) Abstract The reality of the autonomous vehicle in a near future is growing and is expected to induce significant change in the occupant posture with respect to a standard driving posture. The delegated…
- Ligaments Laxity and Elongation at Injury in Flexed knees during Lateral Impact ConditionsAuthors: Sahar Benadi—LAB PSA Renault (Nanterre – France), Univ Lyon, Univ Gustave Eiffel, Univ Claude Bernard Lyon 1; Xavier Trosseille and Philippe Petit —LAB PSA Renault (Nanterre – France); Jérôme Uriot—CEESAR (Nanterre – France); Yoann Lafon and Philippe Beillas—Univ Lyon, Univ Gustave Eiffel, Univ Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Abstract The…
- Lower Extremity Validation of a Human Body Model for High Rate Axial Loading in the Underbody Blast EnvironmentAuthors: Zachary S. Hostetler, Juliette Caffrey, Jazmine Aira, and F. Scott Gayzik—Wake Forest School of Medicine – Biomedical Engineering Abstract While the use of Human Body Models (HBMs) in the underbody blast (UBB) environment has increased and shown positive results, the potential of these models has not been fully explored….
- Obese Occupant Response in Reclined and Upright Seated Postures in Frontal ImpactsAuthors: Karthik Somasundaram, John R. Humm, Narayan Yoganandan, Hans Hauschild, Klaus Driesslein, and Frank A. Pintar—Medical College of Wisconsin and VA Medical Center Abstract The American population is getting heavier and automated vehicles will accommodate unconventional postures. While studies replicating mid-size and upright fore-aft seated occupants are numerous, experiments with…
- Understanding Head Injury Risks during Car-to-Pedestrian Collisions Using Realistic Vehicle and Detailed Human Body ModelsAuthors: Kalish Gunasekaran and Sakib Ul Islam—Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Western University, Canada; Haojie Mao—Mechanical and Materials Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering, Western University, Canada Abstract Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the leading cause of death and long-term disability in road traffic accidents (RTAs). Researchers have examined the effect of…
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