This title includes the technical papers developed for the 2018 Stapp Car Crash Conference, the premier forum for the presentation of research in impact biomechanics, human injury tolerance, and related fields, advancing the knowledge of land-vehicle crash injury protection.
Topics covered in this issue include:
- Effect of restraints on chest deflection
- Thoracic response in dynamic front loading
- Side impact assessments and comparisons
- Front airbag deployment rates and implications
- Reanalysis of experimental brain strain data
- Modeling pedestrian impacts
- Short communications
- New data on the biomechanics of injury and human tolerance, new methods and tools to study the biomechanics of injury, new developments in occupant protection systems, and new concepts on the biomechanics of injury based on experimental and analytical studies.
A Reanalysis of Experimental Brain Strain Data: Implication for Finite Element Head Model Validation Zhou Zhou, Xiaogai Li, and Svein Kleiven—Neuronic Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Chirag S. Shah—Humanetics Innovative Solutions, Inc. Warren N. Hardy—Virginia Tech-Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics Abstract Relative motion between the brain and skull and brain deformation are biomechanics aspects associated with many types of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Thus far, there is only one experimental endeavor (Hardy et al., 2007) reported brain strain under loading conditions commensurate with…
Injury Risk Curves for the Human Cervical Spine from Inferior-to-Superior Loading Authors: Narayan Yoganandan—Center for NeuroTrauma Research, Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin; Sajal Chirvi—Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin; Frank A. Pintar—Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, Medical College of Wisconsin; Anjishnu Banerjee—Division of Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin; Liming Voo—Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University Abstract Cervical spine injuries can occur in military scenarios from events such as underbody blast events. Such scenarios impart inferior-to-superior loads to the…
Quantification of Skeletal and Soft Tissue Contributions to Thoracic Response in a Dynamic Frontal Loading Scenario Michelle M. Murach, Yun-Seok Kang, John H. Bolte, David Stark, Rakshit Ramachandra, and Amanda M. Agnew—Injury Biomechanics Research Center, The Ohio State University Kevin Moorhouse and Jason Stammen—National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Vehicle Research and Test Center Abstract Thoracic injuries continue to be a major health concern in motor vehicle crashes. Previous thoracic research has focused on 50th percentile males and utilized scaling techniques to apply results to different demographics. Individual…
Sources of Variability in Structural Bending Response of Pediatric and Adult Human Ribs in Dynamic Frontal Impacts Amanda M. Agnew, Michelle M. Murach, Victoria M. Dominguez, Akshara Sreedhar, Elina Misicka, Angela Harden, and John H. Bolte—Injury Biomechanics Research Center, The Ohio State University Jason Stammen and Kevin Moorhouse—National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Vehicle Research and Test Center Abstract Despite safety advances, thoracic injuries in motor vehicle crashes remain a significant source of morbidity and mortality, and rib fractures are the most prevalent of thoracic injuries. The objective…
Reference PMHS Sled Tests to Assess Submarining of the Small Female Xavier Trosseille and Philippe Petit—LAB PSA Peugeot-Citroën Renault Jérôme Uriot, Pascal Potier, and Pascal Baudrit—CEESAR Olivier Richard—Faurecia Automotive Seating Sabine Compigne—Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA Mitsutoshi Masuda—Toyota Motor Corporation Richard Douard—Université René Descartes, Paris Abstract In the last decade, extensive efforts have been made to understand the physics of submarining and its consequences in terms of abdominal injuries. For that purpose, 27 Post Mortem Human Subject (PMHS) tests were performed in…
The Effects of Inboard Shoulder Belt and Lap Belt Loadings on Chest Deflection Koji Mizuno and Ryoichi Yoshida—Nagoya University Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiko Tanaka and Ryota Ishigaki—Autoliv Japan Naruyuki Hosokawa and Yoshinori Tanaka—National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory Masahito Hitosugi— Shiga University of Medical Science Abstract Chest injuries occur frequently in frontal collisions. During impact, tension in the lap belt is transferred to the inboard shoulder belt, which compresses the lower ribs of the occupant. In this research, inboard shoulder belt and lap belt geometries…
Assessment of Thoracic Response and Injury Risk Using the Hybrid III, THOR-M, and Post-Mortem Human Surrogates under Various Restraint Conditions in Full-Scale Frontal Sled Tests Devon L Albert, Stephanie M Beeman, and Andrew R Kemper—Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics, Virginia Tech Abstract A total of 20 full-scale frontal sled tests were conducted using the Hybrid III (HIII), THOR-M and post-mortem human surrogates (PMHSs) to evaluate the thoracic biofidelity of the HIII and THOR-M under various belted restraint conditions. Each surrogate was tested under three belted restraint conditions: knee bolster, knee bolster and steering wheel…
Analysis of the Frequency and Mechanism of Injury to Warfighters in the Under-body Blast Environment Kerry Danelson, Laura Watkins, Jonathon Hendricks — Wake Forest Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Patricia Frounfelker — WIAMan Case Review Team Karen Pizzolato-Heine, Ray Valentine, and Kathryn Loftis — Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate (SLAD) Abstract During Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, improvised explosive devices were used strategically and with increasing frequency. To effectively design countermeasures for this environment, the Department of Defense identified the need for an under-body blast-specific Warrior…
Modelling of an Adjustable Generic Simplified Vehicle for Pedestrian Impact and Simulations of Corresponding Reference PMHS Tests Using the GHBMC 50th Percentile Male Pedestrian Simplified Model Eric Song and Phillipe Petit — LAB PSA Renault Jérome Uriot — CEESAR Abstract In a previous study (Song et al. 2017), an adjustable generic simplified vehicle buck was developed; eleven PMHS were impacted by the buck representing a SUV, a van and a sedan successively; and biofidelity corridors were established. The objectives of the current study were 1) to develop the computational model of the buck, and 2) to simulate…
Validation of a Finite Element 50th Percentile THOR Anthropomorphic Test Device in Multiple Sled Test Configurations Kyle P. McNamara, Derek A. Jones, James P. Gaewsky, Ashley A. Weaver and Joel D. Stizel — Wake Forest School of Medicine, Virginia Tech – Wake Forest University Center for Injury Biomechanics Jacob B. Putnam and Jeffrey T. Somers — KBRwyle Abstract Computational models of anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) can be used in crash simulations to quantify the injury risks to occupants in both a cost-effective and time-sensitive manner. The…
Front Airbag Deployment Rates in Real-World Car Accidents in Japan and Implications for Activation of Accident Emergency Calling System Yasuhiro Matsui — National Traffic Safety Environment Laboratory, Japan Shoko Oikawa — Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan Abstract Accident emergency calling systems (AECSs) are signaled by the deployment of airbags, which causes them to automatically emit information providing the location of the accident site to a public service answering party (PSAP). In some real-world accidents, airbags have failed to deploy. This study clarifies the factors that influence the nondeployment of front…
Relation Between Sacroilium and Other Pelvic Fractures Based on Real-World Automotive Accidents Phillipe Petit and Xavier Trousseille — LAB PSA Peugeot Citroën Renault Sophie Curry, Matthieu Lebarbé, and Pascal Baudrit — CEESAR Sabine Compigne — Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA Mitsutoshi Masuda — Toyota Motor Corporation Abstract The study firstly aimed at looking whether sacroilium (SI) fractures could be sustained as unique pelvic injuries in side impact real world automotive accidents. Secondarily, the sacroilium fractures observed in conjunction with other pelvic fractures were…
Side Impact Assessment and Comparison of Appropriate Size and Age Equivalent Porcine Surrogates to Scaled Human Side Impact Response Biofidelity Corridors Jennifer L. Yaek, Christopher J. Andrecovich, and John M. Cavanaugh — Wayne State University Stephen W. Rouhana — Vehicle Safety Sciences, LLC Abstract Analysis and validation of current scaling relationships and existing response corridors using animal surrogate test data is valuable, and may lead to the development of new or improved scaling relationships. For this reason, lateral pendulum impact testing of appropriate size cadaveric porcine surrogates of human 3-year-old, 6-year-old,…
Human Shoulder Response to Lateral Impact in Intermediate Loading Conditions Between High-Velocity, Short-Duration and Low-Velocity, Long-Duration Matthieu Lebarbé, Pascal Potier, Jérôme Uriot, and Pascal Baudrit—CEESAR (Nanterre, France) Denis Lafont—DGA TT (Bourges, France) Richard Douard—Université Paris René Descartes (Paris, France) Abstract The EuroSID-2re (ES-2re) Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD) commonly known as the crash test dummy is also used in the military domain to assess the risk of injury of armored vehicles occupants from lateral impact. The loading conditions range from low velocity – long duration impacts (4…
Publisher: The Stapp Association
Specs: Published by The Stapp Association with a Product Code of B-STAPP2018, ISBN of 9780991133352, ISSN of 1532-8546, and 521 pages in a softbound binding.