Authors: Xavier Trosseille and Philippe Petit—LAB PSA Renault; Jérôme Uriot, Pascal Potier, and Pascal Baudrit—CEESAR Abstract Several studies, available in the literature, were conducted to establish the most relevant criterion for predicting…
Tag: Post Mortem Human Subject (PMHS)
Investigation of Pelvic Injuries on Eighteen Post Mortem Human Subjects Submitted to Oblique Lateral Impacts
Authors: Matthieu Lebarbé, Pascal Baudrit, and Pascal Potier—CEESAR; Philippe Petit, and Xavier Trosseille—LAB PSA Peugeot Citroën Renault; Sabine Compigne—Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA; Mitsutoshi Masuda and Takumi Fujii—Toyota Motor Corporation; Richard Douard—Université René…