Tushar Arora and Liying Zhang — Wayne State University Priya Prasad — Prasad Engineering, LLC Abstract An anatomically detailed rhesus monkey brain FE model was developed to simulate in vivo responses of…
Human Response and Injury Resulting from Head Impacts with Unmanned Aircraft Systems
David B. Stark, Arrianna K. Willis, Zach Eshelman, Yun-Seok Kang, Rakshit Ramachandra, and John H. Bolte IV — Injury Biomechanics Research Center, The Ohio State University Matthew McCrink — Aerospace Research Center,…
Brain Strain from Motion of Sparse Markers
Zhou Zhou, Xiaogai Li, and Svein Kleiven — KTH Royal Institute of Technology Warren N. Hardy — Virginia Tech-Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics Abstract Brain strain secondary to head impact or…