Daniel Perez-Rapela, John-Paul Donlon, Jason L. Forman, and Jeff R. Crandall — University of Virginia, Center for Applied Biomechanics
Bengt Pipkorn and Benjamin K. Shurtz — Autoliv
Craig Markusic — Honda R&D Americas
Far-side kinematics and injury are influenced by the occupant environment. The goal of the present study was to evaluate in-vehicle human far-side kinematics, kinetics and injury and to assess the ability of the WorldSID to represent them. A series of tests with five Post-Mortem Human Subjects and the WorldSID were conducted in a vehicle-based sled test environment. The surrogates were subjected to a far-side pulse of 16.5 g in a 75-degree impact direction. The PMHS were instrumented with 6 degree-of-freedom sensors to the head, spine and pelvis, a chestband, strain gauge rosettes, a 3D tracking array mounted to the head and multiple single 3D tracking markers on the rest of the body. The WorldSID lateral head excursion was consistent with the PMHS. However, forward head excursion did not follow a PMHS-like trajectory after the point of maximum lateral excursion. All but one PMHS retained the shoulder belt on the shoulder during the entire test. However, the WorldSID consistently slipped out of the shoulder belt. The PMHS sustained an average of five rib fractures for which the seatbelt was observed to be the largest contributor. The WorldSID showed a maximum rib deflection of 25 mm. The first rib fracture occurred no later than 50 ms into the event. Anatomical differences between the WorldSID and the PMHS rib cage prevented the WorldSID from capturing the injury mechanisms related to interactions of the occupant with the seatbelt and the seat.
Perez-Rapela D, Donlon JP, Forman JL, Crandall JF, Pipkorn B, Shurtz BK, Markusic C. PMHS and WorldSID Kinematic and Injury Response in Far-Side Events in a Vehicle-Based Test Environment. Stapp Car Crash J. 2019 Nov;63:83-126. doi: 10.4271/2019-22-0004.
Pages: 44
Event: 63rd Stapp Car Crash Conference