Author: Yasuhiro Matsui and Masashi Narita—National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, Japan; Shoko Oikawa—Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Understanding left-turn vehicle-pedestrian accident mechanisms is critical for developing accident-prevention systems. This study aims to clarify the features of driver behavior focusing on drivers’ gaze, vehicle speed, and time to collision (TTC) during left turns at intersections on left-hand traffic roads. Herein, experiments with a sedan and light-duty truck (< 7.5 tons GVW) are conducted under four conditions: no pedestrian dummy (No-P), near-side pedestrian dummy (Near-P), far-side pedestrian dummy (Far-P) and near-and-far side pedestrian dummies (NF-P). For NF-P, sedans have a significantly shorter gaze time for left-side mirrors compared with light-duty trucks. The light-duty truck’s average speed at the initial line to the intersection (L1) and pedestrian crossing line (L0) is significantly lower than the sedan’s under No-P, Near-P, and NF-P conditions, without any significant difference between any two conditions. The TTC for sedans is significantly shorter than that for trucks with near-side pedestrians (Near-P and NF-P) and far-side pedestrians in Far-P. These insights can contribute to the ongoing development of accident-prevention safety systems for left-turning maneuvers at intersections.
Type: Full Paper
Keywords: Driver behavior, left turning, intersection, pedestrian safety, drivers’ gaze, vehicle speed, time to collision (TTC), sedan, light-duty truck
© Stapp Association, 2023
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