New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2015
Presented Research
Full Paper submissions from the 59th Stapp Car Crash Conference are available for purchase through the 59th Stapp Car Crash Journal.
The John Paul Stapp Best Paper Award
“Response and Tolerance of Female and/or Elderly PMHS to Lateral Impact” was submitted to the 58th Stapp Car Crash Conference, held in San Diego, California, in 2014 and presented with the John Paul Stapp Best Paper Award at the 59th conference, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 2015.
Authors include Lauren K. Wood, Carl S. Miller, Nathaniel H. Madura, Matthew P. Reed, Lawrence W.
Schneider, Kathleen D. Klinich, and Jonathan D. Rupp from the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.
This paper and other papers from the 58th Stapp Car Crash Conference can be purchased in the Stapp Car Crash Journal, vol. 58, available through SAE.
John W. Melvin Student Award
First Place: Awarded to Anil Kalra for “Characterization of Human Rib Biomechanical Responses due to Three-Point Bending.” Additional authors include Tal Saif, Ming Shen, Xin Jin, Fen Zhu, Paul Begeman, King Yang and Scott Mills from Wayne State University.
Second Place: Awarded to Samantha Schoell for “Development and Validation of Older Occupant Finite Element Model of a Mid-Sized Male for Investigation of Age-Related Injury Risk.” Additional authors include Ashley Weaver, Jillian Urban, Derek Jones, Joel Stitzel, Eunjoo Hwang, Matthew Reed, and Jonathan Rupp from Virginia Tech—Wake Forest University Center for Biomechanics and University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.
Third Place: Awarded to Shoko Oikawa for “Risks of Serious Injuries and Fatalities of Cyclists Associated with Impact Velocities of Cars in Car-Cyclist Accidents in Japan.” Additional authors include Yasuhiro Matsui from the National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory (NTSEL), Japan.
- Biomechanical Testing and Modeling of Human Response and Injury Risk in Side Impacts—Co Chairs: Annette Irwin, General Motors Company and Philippe Beillas, Université de Lyon; IFSTTAR, LBMC; Université Lyon 1, France
- Biomechanics of Traumatic Brain Injury—Co Chairs: Lawrence W. Schneider, University of Michigan and John H. Bolte IV, The Ohio State University
- Biomechanics of the Thorax/Abdomen—Co Chairs: Warren N. Hardy, Virginia Tech Center for Injury Biomechanics and Frank A. Pintar, Medical College of Wisconsin
- Estimating Effects of Vehicle Mass and Active Safety Technologies on Injury/Fatality Risk—Co Chairs: Dainius Dalmotas, D.J. Dalmotas Consulting, Inc. and Xavier Trosseille, LAB PSA Peugeot-Citroën Renault
- Computational Models and ATDs—Co Chairs: Xavier Trosseille, LAB PSA Peugeot-Citroën Renault and Dainius Dalmotas, D.J. Dalmotas Consulting, Inc.
- Response and Injury to Pedestrians and Cyclists—Co Chairs: Farid Bendjellal, Britax Childcare Ltd. and Jonathan D. Rupp, University of Michigan
- Human and ATD Responses to High-Speed Vertical Loading—Co Chairs: Jonathan D. Rupp, University of Michigan and Farid Bendjellal, Britax Childcare Ltd.